Martial Arts News

What is the latest news in Tech, Gaming, NBA, and MMA today?

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 08:01

Post articles are news related to:

  • New Technology
  • Game Launched, Updates, and/or new consoles
  • National Basketball Association games, stats, and news
  • Mixed Martial Arts fight announcements, stats, and news
submitted by /u/Party_Stretch to r/NewsWithData
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Categories: Martial Arts News

What do you think are 3 strong points of each Titan?

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:56

Strong points could be about how they fight, they are built, and how they behave.

Titan Speakerman:

P1: One of his strong points physically is how he is built. He was a skinny build and he is a lot lighter than the rest, which also means he is a lot faster and agile. He could be good for taking out big groups of sem-strong titans quickly. Though with his build is a also a lot less durable then his fellow titans.

P2: His combat ability, he is probably the most proficient combatant of the three titans. Him in his early days exhibited some form of martial arts.

P3: His personality. When he first entered the battlefield, he seemed like a pretty chill dude, but after his infection he seemed to exhibit so “anger issues”. At first he was going on a k!lling spree avoiding TCM in the process. He seemed to loosen up a bit but he is the most aggressive Titan and is usually the first to approach opponents. Example: in the newest episode, while Cameraman and TV Man we’re preparing, Speaker immediately started chasing G with no hesitation all by himself.

Weak Points: like said before, his physical strength and durability is not as developed as the other two due to how much lighter he is. He doesn’t have as much armour as the other two and he has a much smaller stature compared to the other two. He is also very aggressive and he doesn’t think before charging in even though his opponent is much stronger than him. In his upgraded form for some reason he always looked very annoyed due to how his “eyebrow” is placed. His “eyebrow” could move depending on his emotions like his “ears”.

Titan Cameraman:

P1: One of his most known physical attributes. He is probably the physically strongest out of the 3 and has shown to be the most physically capable. Most of his battles relies on his superior strength and durability. His durability is also very strong, he took on many kamikazes and he was still fine only losing an arm. His head was also taking a long time to be sawed off when he was red screened. He is the tankiest titan, he withstood loads and LOADS of extensive beatings and injuries. He is also very fast for his size, not as fast and agile as TSM but he is balanced with both strength and speed. He also has a very powerful jetpack.

P2: He is the kindest titan. Most episodes he shows thumbs up to the POV, though maybe he overdoes this too much. Even TSM was annoyed. He is that Titan who cares the most for his team, he even knows some of his teammates like Plungerman. Though in recent episodes he has gotten a lot more serious and even his camera lens shows that.

P3: His design. He is probably the most visually appealing out of the 3. He has blue neon lights on his camera lens and his core with an entirely blue fit. With Optimus prime jetpack, epic hammer and Railgun. He also has mini guns and core protection, ultimate titan design imo.

Weak points: he sometimes overdoes his thumbs ups and sometimes it could distract him if some one sneak up behind him while he is focusing on thumbs upping everyone. He is also injury prone even though he is very durable. Since he takes many hits and beatings.

Titan TV Man:

P1: His abilities. He is the most OP out of the 3. His abilities and power surpasses even Cameraman by a lot. His sword, core, and red screen does insane damage. He might not be the strongest physically but his abilities and powers make him the strongest. He is also the biggest titan, talking than Cameraman by a few meters. He has no real rivals in terms of power, he is far stronger than any being except for maybe G, Secutor Astro, and maybe Detainer. I don’t think G should be much trouble to him.

P2: His personality . He is the sassiest titan and he is always in a trolling mood and he even called Cameraman a “b!tch”. He always acts very cool and just very carefree.

P3: His design, his colour palette and black and purple look very well together, the Optimus Prime sword fits him very well.

Weak points: he is overconfident and is always acting like he is the best. He is also very slow in his movements and his powers and abilities carry him.

For me, I believe Speakerman is a support titan and fends of the big groups of smaller toilets while the other two focus on the main guy. UTCM would be the main physical attacker and is a tank, Titan TV Man support the titans by giving them energy but is also be the leader. He is also the one who deals the heaviest damage and he is balanced as a support Titan and a main attacker. It’s just like how TSM is Red, TCM is Blue, added together is TTVM.

Finally, who is you’re favourite titan? My favourite is Titan Speakerman. I like how compared to the other two, UTSM is very simple and doesn’t have any cool abilities or weapons. Just a pair of blasters and speakers. That is what makes him unique.

submitted by /u/Impossible_Tiger_470 to r/skibiditoilet
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Categories: Martial Arts News

Fight School Simulator - Taking care of our Dojo. Mechanics Preview 1

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:42

My Fight School Simulator game, where I use Far Eastern martial arts, continues to develop, I have now finished the cleaning and repair mechanics, how is the appearance and cleaning repair mechanics according to you, do you think it is good, I would be very happy if you express your opinions, I need ideas.

Let's keep our dojo clean and our training equipment intact. This will strengthen us as a dojo and attract more students.

Steam wishlist

submitted by /u/ikivancyilmaz to r/MASSimulator
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Categories: Martial Arts News

Which country should I do to for one month of training?

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:40

I am on a life long journey to experience different martial arts. I hold a yellow belt in Kyokushin Karate which is a third belt in that style and comes after blue. I am an orange belt in TKD and a blue belt in BJJ. For the last couple of years, I have been training Muay Thai and MMA. I have also attended a few Krav Maga and Hung Gar Kung fu orientations and was not the least bit impressed.

My goal is to wander from one style to another do I tend to switch mid way, like Bruce Lee's journey.

I have the option of spending one month internationally to train a martial art. I am narrowing my choices down to:

Kungfu school in China: There are some Kung fu styles that are too much into forms and meditation while others (like San Shou and Sanda) are very much Muay Thai oriented with judo throws. I have not decided on the school yet.

Muay Thai in Thailand: I have already done Muay Thai in US so this wont be anything new to me but I was still wondering if I should repeat this in Thailand?

Kyokushin Karate in Japan: Brutal bare knuckle fighting. I would like to see if my Kyokushin training was as tough as what they do in Japan.

Jeet kune do in California: Not international but Dan Inosanto is closest to what Brucle Lee would be if he lived today. Just thinking.

Thoughts and suggestions?

submitted by /u/WreckDivers4Eva to r/martialarts
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Categories: Martial Arts News

Fight School Simulator - cleaning and repair

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:36

My Fight School Simulator game, where I use Far Eastern martial arts, continues to develop, I have now finished the cleaning and repair mechanics, how is the appearance and cleaning repair mechanics according to you, do you think it is good, I would be very happy if you express your opinions, I need ideas.

Let's keep our dojo clean and our training equipment intact. This will strengthen us as a dojo and attract more students.

Steam wishlist Youtube Video

submitted by /u/ikivancyilmaz to r/gamedev
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Categories: Martial Arts News

How long would you survive Jeremiah's training from his early days? (Reused image cause laziness)

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:35

Here are a few examples included:

  • Bathing in lava while inside an active volcano while chained (endurance training).

  • Fighting a legion of 10 meter tall aggressive grizzly bears in a forest (to learn to adapt and strength training).

  • Eating fucking steel (toughening up his jaws and teeth).

  • Eating 100,000 calories a day (mostly meat with some vegetables and water) (cause he needed to eat a lot to continue training).

  • Getting bombarded by explosives ranging from grenades to missiles (durability and endurance training).

  • Enduring water 1000 meters below the sea (to train his lung capacity, blood, pressure resistance, and endurance).

  • Having a tug-of-war with whole battleships (strength training).

  • Fighting other giant animals (learning to fight, adapt, and gain greater strength).

  • Learning martial arts everyday (learning to fight).

  • Lifting blue whales and giant trees like the redwoods (strength training).

  • Swimming in water currents equal to 100 kph (for reference the gulf stream, the fastest water currents in the world is 9 kph) (speed and endurance training).

submitted by /u/JimedBro2089 to r/PoppyPlaytime
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Categories: Martial Arts News

Fight School Simulator - Taking care of our Dojo. Mechanics Preview 1

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:25

My Fight School Simulator game, where I use Far Eastern martial arts, continues to develop, I have now finished the cleaning and repair mechanics, how is the appearance and cleaning repair mechanics according to you, do you think it is good, I would be very happy if you express your opinions, I need ideas.

Let's keep our dojo clean and our training equipment intact. This will strengthen us as a dojo and attract more students.

Steam wishlist

submitted by /u/ikivancyilmaz to r/SimulationGaming
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Categories: Martial Arts News

House of Chains, impressions and questions

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:10

In what seems to be somewhat of a trend these days, I have just finished House of Chains and want to add my impressions:

Karsa Orlong. I was determined to hate him as soon as I met him; bringing pointless violence to the neighboring tribes and the humans on Silver Lake just to win bragging rights and to impress a girl who clearly isn't into him. But after travelling with him a while, I had to admit that, while I can't condone it, he's very good at what he does (witness!). Also, the dynamic between him and his companions was great, and it was delightful watching him realize how much of what he believed about the world beyond his own tribe (and about his own people) was utterly wrong. Still, having to endure his POV for the entire first quarter of the book was somewhat exhausting.

Even towards the end of the book, I didn't really like him, as he was a threat to characters I care about (Heboric!), but my feelings were way more positive than at the beginning. And the end he gave to Bidithal was nearly as satisfying as the one Duiker gave to Nethpara.

I continue to be astounded by the tendency of some characters (Karsa, but also the T'lan Imass, and the Grey Swords in MoI) to see something that is very obviously very old and very powerful - and to determine immediately that the best course of action is to attack. Of course, in some cases it's rational (running from the K'Chain wouldn't have saved the Grey Swords patrol in MoI, so you might as well attack), but Onrack sees two statues that seem to be alive, and his first instinct is to hit them with his sword.

The saddest thing about Felisin Paran's story isn't her unceremonious death at the hands of her sister (unbeknownst to Tavore, for reasons of dramatic irony) - it's how she had exactly two moments of clarity where she was actually herself and not the whirlwind goddess: Inside Heboric's tent, and in the seconds before her death.

Did Tavore not wonder who was inside the armor? Or did she know, or at least suspect? Does anyone even have any idea of what goes on inside Tavore's head? And what's up with T'amber, her... martial arts teacher? Lover? Both? Something entirely different? An intriguing enigma which I assume will be further expounded in later books.

Did T'amber understand "help putting on the armor" as a euphemism for something else? Did Keneb intend it to be that? All right, then, so I do not understand women.

Is the ascension of the Bridgeburners due to the Spiritwalker's song? Or is it due to Paran's blessing when visiting their last resting place at the end of MoI? Or both?

The revelation about humanity's ancestry (if it is true and not just the whirlwind goddess' paranoid fantasy) is huge! Does Onrack know he's the ancestor of all mankind? Does Tool know he's everyone's great-(...)-grand-uncle? Kilava probably knows, but how does she feel about it? I wonder whether there is philosophical or symbolic significance to the fact that mankind's origin lies in breaking the taboo against depiction. Man, the creature who fashions images of himself - and gods in his image.

I am a bit surprised that while raiding the Laederon Plateau for slaves, the humans haven't discovered blood oil and started to use it for its aphrodisiac properties. Granted, judging by the woman Karsa exposes to its effects it also seems to have serious side effects, but when has that ever stopped humans.

This is probably a RAFO, but on the off chance that I've just missed something and someone can enlighten me; did I get this right?

  • Tlan Imass bonecasters, when they were still mortal, were all able to shapeshift (Soletaken).
  • In the time of the First (human) Empire, which must have been after the T'lan Ritual, humans also discovered the ability, even developing it further into D'ivers shapeshifting, but for some reason weren't able to handle it, causing the T'lan Imass to intervene and destroy the First Empire. The extant shapeshifters like Ryllandaras, Gryllen, Treach are all survivors of that incident.
  • This incident also shattered Kurald Emurlahn (why this one, of all Elder Warrens, though? Did the Tiste Edur somehow mess with the humans? I guess I will learn more about them in Midnight Tides) and created the Otataral on Otataral Island.
  • For the sake of narrative parsimony, I will just assume that it was also this fight where Onrack's wife was damaged in a way deemed disgraceful, therefore shorn from the Ritual, and left to languish for eternity in a dark place, whereupon she took possession of the warren fragment.
  • The possessed warren fragment then somehow caused the water to disappear from the inland sea of Raraku and turn it into a desert. At least that's what I assume, given that it returns after the goddess is killed.
submitted by /u/vanZuider to r/Malazan
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Categories: Martial Arts News

Metalsmart Teams with Randy Couture to Fight for Fair Gold Prices - StreetInsider

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:09
Randy's illustrious career in mixed martial arts, his achievements in acting, notably in "The Expendables" franchise, his service to our country ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

Better career for greater mate success

Martial Arts Reddit - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 07:03

I'm at a crossroads. Had a rough upbringing that's delayed a lot my life until my mid-late twenties and most of my work experience is in Trades with a bit in sales and a bit in IT. I love weightlifting, martial arts, surfing, hiking, and am extremely extraverted and socialable. I've always been in relationships since I was a teenager, anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. And have been told often that I'm a "dream boyfriend" or "husband material". There's a lot that goes into career choice, but one of the reasons I originally chose trades was the potential stability and ease of entry with a high income potential that would allow me to get out of my horrible situation and offer something to myself and women.

But now I potentially have an opportunity to get my bachelor's and graduate degrees paid for and I've always had a keen interest in physiotherapy/occupational therapy but never decided to go for it because of the cost and time. I would be in my mid to late thirties by the time I graduate and would only then start building wealth, but I would have a career with a bit more satisfaction, comparable to potentially greater pay, easier on the body, higher status, etc. What do you think is the better option all things considered, perticularily with the case of finding a good woman to have a successful LTR with?

TLDR: I'm a tradesman in electrical/elevators that will make 55-70$/H in 4 years (more wear and tear, less socialable, uncertain stability, less energy to do hobbies, enjoy but not Uber passionate). But have the potential opportunity to have all my schooling covered and become an OT or PT and make ~50-100$/H in 7-8 years (less wear and tear, more socialable, greater stability, and very passionate, more energy to do hobbies, but I'll be mid-late 30s when I finish) which gives me a better chance at a successful LTR?

submitted by /u/Ok-Sheepherder-2093 to r/dating_advice
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Categories: Martial Arts News

Team X <b>Martial Arts</b> Schools go to WKC World Championships | York Press

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 05:51
From the 51 teams in attendance at the English Championships, Team X Martial Arts Schools finished in pole position with 13 golds - and the title of ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

The Korean powerhouse of Chinese <b>martial art</b> &#39;Wushu Santa (術 散打)&#39; will enter the ONE ...

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 05:42
The opening match between Oh Soo-hwan (29) and Kazumichi Murai (35, Japan) is the featherweight match of the mixed martial arts. ONE Friday Fights is ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

Hayleigh Kiely becomes ISKA World Kickboxing champion - I Love Limerick

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 05:06
Hayleigh Kiely crowned ISKA World Champion representing Hub Martial Arts following five-rounf match at the Cannock Chase Centre, UK.
Categories: Martial Arts News

Burnley <b>martial artists</b> become youngest in UK and Europe to achieve award

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 04:49
Lucas Green age 10 and William Newhouse age 12 both from Burnley have been apart of Satori Ryu Martial Arts Association at Burnley Martial Arts ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

Misfits JiuJitsu in St. Charles combines <b>martial arts</b> with mental health help - Daily Herald

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 04:31
Misfits Jiujitsu takes a different approach to martial arts, emphasizing fitness of the mind over toughness on the mat. Owner Brad Edmondson has ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

Owen Jones &amp; Eoghan O&#39;Flannagan Work Positional Rounds At Roger Gracie Academy

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 04:27
... •156K views · 38:35 · Go to channel. Martial Arts Fitness Training - 30 Min Workout. Kung Fu & Tai Chi Center w/ Jake Mace•1.6M views · 20:16.
Categories: Martial Arts News


Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 04:09
It brings together various disciplines such as singing, dancing, martial arts and acrobatics. ... Forums by Peking Opera experts and artists will ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

More funding needed for boxing and <b>martial arts</b> clubs in Tipperary

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 03:55
Breandán Ó Conchúir with Conor Kelly , Finn Bowe & Ciaràn Keeshan from premier martial arts who competed at the world championships last year.
Categories: Martial Arts News

The 10 Best Kung Fu Movies Of The 1980s - Screen Rant

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 00:37
... martial arts skills. Films such as Police Story, Project A, and Wheels on Meals not only entertained audiences with their high-octane action ...
Categories: Martial Arts News

Kengan Ashura Part 4 release date: What fans can expect - ONE Esports

Martial Arts Google Alert - Tue, 04/16/2024 - 00:14
Tohkita Ohma fighting stance in Kengan Ashura Credit: Netflix. Fans of intense martial arts anime have been eagerly awaiting news about the release ...
Categories: Martial Arts News